Face Razors For Women Vs. Face Waxing For Women

Face Razors For Women Vs. Face Waxing For Women

A decision many of us face at some point. Not an easy choice. Nevertheless, let’s make it simple today.

Broadly, facial hair is of two types. The first is the infamous 'peach fuzz', and the other is the terminal hair. The peach fuzz is a fine, near-invisible hair on your face. It helps regulate the temperature and face sweat and grows around your cheeks, forehead, upper and lower lips, neck, chin, and sideburn area.

Terminal hair is a much darker, coarser hair that grows around the upper and lower lips, sideburns, neck, and chin. If you are confused about whether to shave or wax your facial hair, this is your guide.

And yes, before we get into the facts, the myth that states shaving will make your face hair even thicker is a myth! It’s clinically proven that shaving doesn’t cause hair to grow back thicker, darker, or coarser. 

Face Razors For Women Vs. Face Waxing For Women

Let’s start, shall we?




Suitable hair type

Best for peach fuzz and terminal hair 

Ideal for for terminal hair 


5 minutes 

More than 30 mins

Pain level

Minimal to none

Moderately painful

Potential side effects

Skin irritation or redness around the shaved areas in rare cases

Ingrown hair, skin irritation, and redness around the waxed areas

Results last for

3-5 days

2-4 weeks

Average cost

₹50-₹200 is the average cost of face razors for women.

₹150-₹600 is the average cost of face waxing sessions.

How does it feel like

Shaving With A Face Razor For Women

Shaving With A Face Razor For Women

A quick and effective method of Hair Removal for Women. The process helps clean the unwanted hair on your face and exfoliates skin, so that make-up application becomes easy. 

Before you begin, clean your face to gently remove the dirt or any makeup on your face. Then, apply a gel like the {hyperlink Bombae’s aloe vera gel}  to the areas you want to work on. 

Hold the Razor at a 45-degree angle and shave in the direction of your hair growth using short, gentle strokes. Rinse your face with cold water afterwards to close the pores, pat dry, and apply a soothing moisturiser. 

How Often Should I Shave My Face

A simple yet effective method that provides instant results, leaving your skin feeling soft and hair-free.

Waxing Your Face

In contrast, Face Waxing involves a more painful, intense experience . When the warm wax is applied to the skin, it initially provides a soothing warmth. 

Heat up the wax in a way you can spread it easily. Before starting, do a patch test on your wrist. Wait for some time till it gets hard, then pull it against the direction of hair growth. 

When the wax is pulled off. You will feel a sharp tug or snap sensation. Repeat as needed in small sections, and clean off any remaining wax with a post-wax solution. 

Some people find it stinging or burning, though this sensation usually subsides quickly. Then comes the feeling of satisfaction when you see your smooth, hairless skin after the hair has been pulled from the follicles.

Finish this with a soothing lotion to ease the burning sensation.

For best results with  

Face Razors 

Shaving with a Face Razor carries a few potential risks. If not handled with care, there is a risk of nicks, cuts, or razor burns. 

Pressing too hard or using a dull blade can irritate the skin, leading to redness or cuts. Additionally, shaving can sometimes result in ingrown hairs, especially if you shave against the direction of hair growth. To avoid this always apply a base layer of Bombae’s Aloe Vera Gel.

Face Razor For Women

For individuals with sensitive skin, there is also a risk of skin irritation or razor bumps, which can be uncomfortable. Proper technique and use of a gentle, clean GlamUp Beauty Razor can easily help you avoid these risks. 

Face Waxing

Face waxing, while effective, comes with its own set of risks. When you wax your face, you pull the hair from the surface of your skin. This increases the chances of skin irritation. For some, the sensation stays for a few minutes, and some might stay for a few hours. 

This happens to be the most immediate risk during the process, which can be intense for some individuals, particularly those with sensitive skin. 

If the wax is too hot or left on the skin for too long, there's a risk of burns. Improper removal of the wax strip can also lead to skin damage or bruising. 

In some cases, face waxing can cause redness, irritation, or even minor breakouts. You can easily avoid all the hassle post post-waxing by following proper techniques. 

Who should avoid this

Face Razors for Women

People with Bleeding Disorders: If you have any bleeding disorder and if you are on blood-thinning medications, use face razors with extra caution. The cuts and nicks can lead to prolonged bleeding.

Skin Conditions: Avoid using shaving razors if you have severe skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or active acne outbreaks. Shaving can worsen these skin conditions and irritation will increase.

Allergic Skin: If you are allergic to the ingredients in shaving products your skin may act up, causing irritation, redness, or itching.

Face Waxing for Women

Sensitive Skin: If you are someone with highly sensitive skin or you have a history of skin disorders you should approach face waxing with caution. Waxing can worsen your skin conditions and cause severe irritation that might last for some hours.

Skin medications: Acne-treating medicines are known to make skin more sensitive and prone to damage during waxing. The best way out is to have a word with your dermatologist before taking the waxing route if you are on such medicines.

Recent Cosmetic Procedures: Your skin takes a huge toll when you undergo any cosmetic procedure like chemical peels or laser treatments. It is essential to wait until your skin has fully healed before you put that wax on your face.


Be it face razors or face waxing, it's essential to exercise post-procedure care to ensure your skin's well-being. 

  • Apply a soothing, alcohol-free moisturiser or a post-shave balm to calm the skin. 

  • Avoid using harsh skincare products, such as exfoliants or acne treatments, for a day or two to prevent irritation. 

  • Keep your skin moisturised in the treated area to keep the skin hydrated to boost post shave healing of the skin 

  • Last, if you have experienced nicks or cuts during the process before, keep the area clean and avoid touching it with dirty hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are things I need to avoid to practise a safe peach fuzz removal?

A. Here are a few things that you need to avoid when it comes to safely shaving off  peach fuzz. 

  • Wet shaving

  • Hair Plucking

  • Bleaching of facial hair

Q. Can waxing lead to acne?

A. Yes, acne is a common aftermath of face waxing if you have sensitive skin. You expose your skin to high temperatures during waxing. This can lead to skin inflammation, breakouts, and acne.


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