How to Use an Eyebrow Trimmer: Step-by-Step Guide for Precise and Bold Brows

How to Use an Eyebrow Trimmer: Step-by-Step Guide for Precise and Bold Brows

Your eyebrows and their thickness can completely change the way you appear. Even the slightest change in the shape of your eyebrows can make a huge difference. This is probably the biggest reason why doing your brows is so important and why you should pay more attention to it.

There are different ways of styling the eyebrows, from the traditional ones like waxing and threading to newer and fast gaining popularity, like trimming and shaving. This blog is all about trimming them down using a good quality Trimmer. Trimming the eyebrows is all about adjusting the length of the unwanted brow hair. It is different from tweezing as it does not remove the hair from the follicle. 

The follicle stays untouched when you're trimming it. The trimmer gently cuts the hair without the discomfort you feel while plucking.

Trimming eyebrows yourself sounds like a good recipe for disaster, and indeed it is when performed incorrectly. 

However, with a little guidance, the right mix of tools can make you an expert eyebrow-trimming expert in just a snap.

What do you need?

Eyebrow Trimmer (of course): An Eyebrow Trimmer or a Face Razor is a handheld device with a trimming blade at its tip. It is designed to trim, clean, and shape eyebrow hair according to the contours of your face. 

Shaping Pencil: A shaping pencil comes in handy when you want to give more definition and a better shape to your eyebrows.

Eyebrow Shaping Brush: An eyebrow shaping brush, also known as a spoolie brush, is a grooming tool with a brush-like end used as a comb to shape eyebrow hair.

Brow Scissors: Small, sharp scissors designed to trim long or unruly eyebrow hairs. These scissors are there to make sure your eyebrows maintain precise length. 

Steps to Trim Your Eyebrows

Step#1: Determine the shape of your eyebrows

To determine the shape of your eyebrows, you need to understand your face shape. Take a look at how well your eyebrows grow from the ends and how thick it is right now, so it becomes crucial to consider all this when doing your eyebrows. 

Here is what you need to know:

Face Shape: Before doing anything, take a moment to understand the shape of your face. A crucial criterion to get an idea of how you should shape your eyebrows. 

Assess your brows with the illustration below:

Steps to Trim Your Eyebrows

Step#2: Shape and fill your eyebrows with Shaping Pencil

The next step is to shape the eyebrows according to the contours of your face. Read this to understand this better:

Brush up: Brush your eyebrow with the eyebrow shaping brush in the direction of your eyebrows. Additionally, brush them in a slightly upward direction to get all the hair in line.

Outline: Pick the eyebrow pencil that matches the colour of your eyebrow and outline the shape of your eyebrows as illustrated in the image above.

Fill the patches: Totally fine if you have some patches on your eyebrows. With the help of an eyebrow pencil, fill them out with short, gentle strokes in the direction your eyebrow grows.

Blend: Now that you’re done with shaping and outlining, it's time to blend all those strokes that you made on your eyebrows. Use your shaping brush again to blend it, this gives your eyebrows a more natural and thicker appearance.

Step#3: Using the eyebrow shaper

Here comes the most crucial step of the process. Follow the steps given below to achieve that precise and beautiful brows effortlessly.

Trimmer Attachment / Eyebrow Scissors: Many eyebrow trimmers come with different-size attachments, so it gets easy to chop down bushy hair first. Take a guard with a longer length if you cannot decide about what you should go for. The other alternative to this is the eyebrow scissors. Use it to trim the extra bushy hair on your brows.

Eyebrow Scissors


Top Trim: Use the outline created with a shaping pencil as a reference to trim the top of your eyebrows with maximum precision. Follow along the contours of your face shape and trim or shave against the direction of hair growth.

Bottom Trim: Use the outlines and arcs drawn as a reference to trim the bottom of your eyebrows. Use the bottom-to-top motion to get more clean trim.

Check for Symmetry: Grab a mirror and check for symmetry. Make any final tweaks to ensure both brows match up perfectly.

Don’t go for perfection: less is more, and when it comes to trimming your eyebrows, it's better to not go for more. Trimming more hair when needed is possible, but the reverse is not. So, be mindful of how much you chop off and go only to the required places.


For people who want to trim their eyebrows at home, an eyebrow trimmer is a lifesaver. It is easy to use, and unlike other methods of doing eyebrows, this does not irritate your skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What should I do if I accidentally trim too much of my eyebrow hair?

A. If you accidentally trim too much, use a brow pencil to fill those areas for a more defined look. Be patient while waiting for the hair to regrow.

Q. Can I use an eyebrow trimmer on wet eyebrows?

A. It is not recommended to use an eyebrow trimmer on wet eyebrows. Using an eyebrow trimmer on damp hair leads to uneven trimming. Trim your eyebrows dry as it gives better control and more precision when using an eyebrow trimmer.

Q. How to clean an eyebrow trimmer?

A. Tap off excess hair and disassemble the removable parts if your trimmer allows. Wash them thoroughly and then dry them. For the body of your trimmer. Use a cloth or a swab to clean it. Finally, store your trimmer in a dry place away from moisture and direct sunlight.


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